Parish Council & Committies

NEW PARISH COUNCIL -  To be updated

The first meeting of the newly formed Parish Council of Secred Heart Church, Surathkal, for the year 2014-2016 was held on 12-1-2014 in Church hall. The meeting was presided over by Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo.

Election for the post of Vice President for the year 2014-2016 was conducted by Parish Priest. Mr. Peter Alex D’Souza was unanimously elected as Vice President. And Mrs. Veeda Miranda was elected as secretary.

The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo congratulated the new members and requested for their co-operation and support for the next three years. The meeting concluded with the Vote of thanks by the Secretary.

The Various committees formed during the meeting.


   1. Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo, President & Parish Priest of Surathkal Church, 0824-24753260824-2475326     0824-42724940824-4272494        

 2. Mr. Peter Alex D’Souza, Vice President, (Rep. Infant Jesus Ward), 98454796369845479636

 3. Mrs. Veeda Miranda, Secretary, (Nominated Nithyadhar Ward), 96115337579611533757

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -              

  4. Mr. J. J. Dony Suares, Gurkar, Sacred Heart ward, 94481192559448119255

 5. Mrs. Daina Mendonca, Rep., Sacred Heart ward, 96638333589663833358

 6. Mrs. Winny D’ Souza, Rep., Sacred Heart ward, 94484751039448475103

 7. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa, Gurkar, Infant Jesus Ward, 98453294079845329407

 8. Mrs. Monthine D’Souza, Rep., Infant Jesus Ward, 94488237709448823770

 9. Mr. Benedict Crasta, Gurkar, Imma. Heart of Mary Ward, 94482154689448215468

 10. Mr. Valerian C. Mascarenhas, Rep., Imma. Heart of Mary Ward, 9449065297,9449065297

 11. Mrs. Veronica Misquith, Rep., Imma. Heart of Mary Ward, 9980253995,9980253995

 12. Mrs. Gretta Agnes Pinto, Gurkar, Infant Mary Ward, 9342807878,9342807878

 13. Mr. Edward D’Souza, Rep., Infant Mary Ward, 9972057454,9972057454

 14. Mr. Valerian D’Souza, Rep., Infant Mary Ward, 9845708559,9845708559

 15. Mr. Francis Lawrence Misquith, Gurkar, Imma. Conception Ward, 0824-2479062,0824-2479062

 16. Mr. John Baptist D’Souza, Rep., Imma. Conception Ward, 9242147123,9242147123

 17. Mrs. Molly M. D’Souza, Rep., Imma. Conception Ward, 9902874626,9902874626

 18. Mr. Francis D’Souza, Gurkar, Lourdes Ward, 9845580264,9845580264

 19. Mr. Ronald Crasta, Rep., Lourdes Ward, 9901406670,9901406670

 20. Mrs. Evelyn Menezes, Rep., Lourdes Ward, 9448887472,9448887472

 21. Mr. Pius Prasad D’Souza, Gurkar, St. Francis Xavier Ward, 9611203423,9611203423

 22. Mr. Leo Tauro, Rep., St. Francis Xavier Ward, 9845114919,9845114919

 23. Mrs. Benedicta D’Souza, Rep., St. Francis Xavier Ward, 9632443220,9632443220

 24. Mr. Joy M. P. D’Souza, Gurkar, Nithydhar Ward, 9844518212,9844518212

 25. Mr. Norbert Coelho, Rep., Nithyadhar Ward, 9036705610,9036705610

 26. Mrs. Clotty D’Souza, Rep., Nithyadhar Ward, 9902173698,9902173698

 27. Mrs Leena Maria T. Rodrigues, Gurkar, St. Ignatius Ward, 9945427486alt9945427486

 28. Mr. Thomas Pais, Rep., St. Ignatius Ward, 9916973774alt9916973774

 29. Mrs. Cynthia D’Souza, Rep., St. Ignatius Ward, 9945801416alt9945801416

 30. Mr. Jerald D’Souza, Gurkar, St. Lawrence Ward, 9341699082alt9341699082

 31. Mr. Elias D’Souza, Rep., St. Lawrence Ward, 9448300745alt9448300745

 32. Mrs. Philomena D’Souza, Rep., St. Lawrence Ward, 9008789160alt9008789160

 33. Mrs. Gretta D’Souza, Gurkar, St. Joseph Ward, 9844643677alt9844643677

 34. Mr. Herry D’Souza, Rep., St. Joseph Ward, 9845018942alt9845018942

 35. Mrs. Judith D’Souza, Rep., St. Joseph Ward, 9448858186alt9448858186

36. Mrs. Cicelia Lobo, Gurkar, St. Joachim Ward, 8050603475alt8050603475

 37. Mr. Joseph Dais, Rep., St. Joachim Ward, 9901188567alt9901188567

 38. Mrs. Janet Patrao, Rep., St. Joachim Ward, 9480600583alt9480600583

 39. Mrs. Saira Gladis D’Silva, Gurkar, Holy Family Ward, 9964799563alt9964799563

40. Mr. Walter D’Mello, Rep., Holy Family Ward, 7259871456alt7259871456

 41. Mr. George Ligoury D’Souza, Rep., Holy Family Ward, 9449822585alt9449822585

  42. Mr. Alwyn Rodrigues, Gurkar, Fatima Ward, 9845328812alt9845328812

 43. Mr. Valerian Lawrence Pinto, Rep., Fatima Ward, 9902187129alt9902187129

 44. Mrs. Dillon Carol D’Silva, Rep., Fatima Ward, 9731922034alt9731922034

 45. Mrs. Delphine D’Souza, Gurkar, Vailankanni Ward, 0824-2406157alt0824-2406157

 46. Mr. Pius D’Souza, Rep., Vailankanni Ward, 9448409347alt9448409347

 47. Mr. Everest Lobo, Rep., Vailankanni Ward, 9845117517alt9845117517

 48. Mr. Apolian Pinto, Gurkar, St. Sebastian Ward, 9900816030alt9900816030

 49. Mr. Nicholas D’Souza, Rep., St. Sebastian Ward, 9845040940alt9845040940

 50. Mrs. Leena Pinto, Rep., St. Sebastian Ward, 9964021545alt9964021545

 51. Mrs. Shalini Pereira, Gurkar, St. Antony Ward, 9019360577alt9019360577

 52. Mr. Naveen N. Albuqurque, Rep., St. Antony Ward, 9845603761alt9845603761

 53. Mrs. Priya Prafulla D’Souza, Rep., St. Antony Ward, 9741360384alt9741360384

 54. Mr. William Mascarenhas, Nominated, St. Ignatius Ward, 9844291964alt9844291964

 55. Mr. Alfred D’Souza, Nominated, St. Francis Xeviour Ward, 8147699129

 56. Mr. Lional Dais, Nominated, Holy Family Ward, 9481765917alt9481765917

 57. Mr. Francis D’Souza, Nominated, Infant Jesus Ward, 9845246321alt9845246321

 58. Mr. Ronald Pereira, Nominated, St. Joseph Ward, 9343567600alt9343567600

 59. Mrs. Veeda Pereira, Nominated, Sacred Heart of jesus Ward, 9980982275alt9980982275

 60. Mrs. Dyna Fernandes, Ex-officio Member, Catholic Sabha, 9986299712alt9986299712


61. Mr. Anish D’Souza, Ex-oficio Member, ICYM, 8792643332

 62. Mr. Alwyn Sequeira, Ex-oficio Member, Cap Cell, 9731469270alt9731469270

 63. Mr. Vincent Sequiera, Ex-oficio Member, SVDP, 9880561452alt9880561452

 64. Miss Shamitha Machado, Ex-ofico Member, YCS, 9731745327alt9731745327

 65. Mrs. Stella Machado, Ex-ofico Member, Secred Heart School, 9686589230alt9686589230

 66. Mrs. Julian Monteiro, Ex-oficio Member, Small Christian Community, 9343377080alt9343377080

 67. Mrs. Veena Moras, Ex-oficio Member, Holy Family Eng.M.School, 8453537186alt8453537186

 68. Sis. Asha Crasta, Ex-oficio Member, Convent 994584717

Finance committee

1. Mr. William Mascarenhas, Elected Member

2. Mr. Leo Taura, Elected Member

3. Mr. Lional Dais, Elected Member

4. Mrs. Veeda Pereira, Elected Member

5. Mrs. Dyna Fernandes, Elected Member

6. Mrs. Gretta A. Pinto, Elected Member

7. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa, Nominated Member

8. Mr. Ronald Pereira, Nominated Member

9. Mr. Benedict Crasta, Nominated Member

10. Mr. Francis D’Souza, Nominated Member

11. Mr. Valerian C. Mascarenhas, Nominated Member

12. Mrs. Veena Moras, Nominated Member

As per by-law, members of the other committees

Spiritual & Liturgy Committee

1. Mrs. Molly M. D’Souza, Co-ordinator

2. Mrs. Monthine D’Souza, Member

3. Mrs. Shalini Pereira,    “

4. Mrs. Gretta A. Pinto,     “

5. Mr. Alfred D’Souza,     “

6. Mr. Ronald Pereira,     “

7. Mr. Jossie Dais,     "                   

Family Welfare Committee

1. Mr. William Mascarenhas, Coordinator

2. Mr. Alwyn Sequiera, Member

3. Mr. Herry D’Souza,      “

4. Mr. Thomas Pais,         “

5. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa,     “

6. Mr. Lawrence Misquith,    “

7. Mrs. Benedicta D’Souza,    “

Social & Cultural Committee

1. Mr. George Ligoury D’Souza, Coordinator

2. Mr. Alfred D’Souza, Member

3. Mr. William Mascarenhas,     “

4. Mrs. Molly M. D’Souza,          “

5. Mrs. Judith D’Souza,     “

6. Mrs. Dillon C. D'Silva,    “

7. Mrs. Priya Prafulla D’Souza,     “

Youth Welfare Committee

1. Mr. Francis D’Souza, Coordinator

2. Mr. Valerian D’Souza,      Member

3. Mr. Ronald Pereira,    “

4. Mr. Everest Lobo,        “      

5. Mrs. Winny D’Souza,     “

6. Mrs. Priya Prafulla D’Souza,   “

7. Mrs. Cinthia D’Souza,           “


1. Mrs. Janet Patrao, Coordinator

2. Mrs. Cicelia Lobo, Member

3. Mrs. Saira D’Silva,     “

Communication Committee

1. Mr. George Ligoury D’Souza, Coordinator

2. Mr. ValerianD'Souza,  Member

3. Mr. Ronald Pereira,    ”

4. Mr. Apolian Pinto,     “

5.  Mrs. Winny D’Souza,     “

Law Committee

1. Mr. William Mascarenhas, Coordinator

2. Mr. Walter D’Mello, Member

3. Mr. Joy M.P. D’Souza,     ”

4. Mr. Elias D’Souza,     “

5. Mrs. Dyna Fernandes,     “

Project Committee

1. Mr. Pius Prasad D’Souza, Coordinator

2. Mr. Vincent Sequiera, Member

3. Mr. Naveen N. Albuqurque,      “

4. Mr. Alwyn Sequiera,      “

5. Mr. Thomas Pais,             “

Building Committee

1. Mr. Herry D’Souza          Member


2. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa               “


3. Mr. Ronald Pereira                 “

4. Mr. Francis D’Souza                “

Varado Representative

          Mrs. Gretta A. Pinto

Parish Educational Institutions Committee Representative

          Mr. Wilfred D’Costa

Web Site Committee

1. Mr. Benedict Crasta, Coordinator          

2. Mr. S. Naveen D’Souza, Member     

3. Mrs. Gretta A. Pinto,     "                

4. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa,     "            

5. Mr. George Ligoury D’Souza      “                         

On 26th January, 2014, The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo held the oath taking ceremony. Rev. Fr. Charles Menezes were also Present.


The first meeting of the newly formed Parish Council of Secred Heart Church, Surathkal, for the year 2011-2013 was held on 19-12-2011 in Church hall. The meeting was presided over by Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo.

Election for the post of Vice President for the year 2011-2013 was conducted by Parish Priest. Mr. Peter Alex D’Souza was elected as Vice President by fair voting. And Mrs. Veeda Miranda was unanimously elected as secretary.

In our Parish, 5 wards had more than 40 families each, so, they were divided and now collectively our Parish has 17 wards. The new wards are INFANT MARY ward, VAILAKKANNI ward,HOLY FAMILY ward, ST. LAWRENCE ward, and ST. ANTONY ward.

The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo, congratulated the new members and requested for their co-operation and support for the next three years. Mr. William Mascarenhas felicitated the newly elected Vice President and Secretary on behalf of all its members. The meeting concluded with the Vote of thanks by the Secretary.

The Various committees formed during the meeting.




1. Rev. Fr. Antony D. Lobo , President & Parish Priest of Surathkal Church

0824-2475326 0824-4272494




 2. Mr. Peter Alex D’Souza - Vice President, (Rep. Infant Jesus Ward) 9845479636alt9845479636



3. Mrs. Veeda Miranda - Secretary, (Nominated Nithyadhar Ward) 9611533757alt9611533757


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -



4.   4. Mr. J. J. Dony Suares - Gurkar, Sacred Heart ward - 9448119255alt9448119255



5.   5. Mr. Robert Paul D’Souza - Rep., Sacred Heart ward - 0824-2477621alt0824-2477621



6.    6. Mrs. Winny D’Souza - Rep., Sacred Heart ward - 9448475103alt9448475103



7.   7. Mr. Denis Lolvi Crasta - Gurkar, Infant Jesus Ward - 9880513724alt9880513724


        8.   8. Mrs. Lilly Leena Pereira - Rep., Infant Jesus Ward - 9845479636alt9845479636



9.   9. Mr. Benedict Crasta - Gurkar, Immaculate Heart of Mary Ward - 9448215468alt9448215468



10. Mr. Francis D’Souza - Rep., Immaculate Heart of Mary Ward - 9844976082alt9844976082



11. Mrs. Veronica Misquith - Rep., Immaculate Heart of Mary Ward - 9980253995alt9980253995



12. Mrs. Gretta Agnes Pinto - Gurkar, Infant Mary Ward - (new)9342807878alt9342807878



13. Mr. Lancy D’Souza - Rep., Infant Mary Ward - (new)9741121889alt9741121889


14. Mrs. Lourel D’Souza - Rep., Infant Mary Ward -(new) 9611533707alt9611533707


15. Mr. Francis Lawrence Misquith - Gurkar, Immaculate Conception Ward - 0824-2479062alt0824-2479062



16. Mr. Jossy D’Silva - Rep., Immaculate Conception Ward - 9483915623alt9483915623



17. Mrs. Molly M. D’Souza - Rep., Immaculate Conception Ward - 9902874626alt9902874626



18. Mrs. Aurelia D’Souza - Gurkar, Lourdes Ward - 9900260811alt9900260811



19. Mr. Ronald Crasta - Rep., Lourdes Ward - 9901406670alt9901406670



20. Mrs. Hilda Crasta - Rep., Lourdes Ward - 9900816474alt9900816474



21. Mr. Jerome Peter Pinto - Gurkar, St. Francis Xavier Ward - 9483915623alt9483915623



22. Mr. Alfred J. D’Souza - Rep., St. Francis Xavier Ward - 8147699129



23. Mrs. Livlet D’Souza - Rep., St. Francis Xavier Ward - 0824-2406737alt0824-2406737



24. Mr. Joy M. P. D’Souza - Gurkar, Nithyadhar Ward - 9844518212alt9844518212



25. Mrs. Mary Suares - Rep., Nithyadhar Ward - 9741671960alt9741671960



26. Mrs. Lydwin D’Souza - Rep., Nithyadhar Ward - 9902173698alt9902173698



27. Mrs Leena Maria T.Rodrigus - Gurkar, St. Ignatius Ward - 9945427486alt9945427486



28. Mr. Thomas Pais - Rep., St. Ignatius Ward - 9916973774alt9916973774



29. Mrs. Cynthia D’Souza - Rep., St. Ignatius Ward - 9945801416alt9945801416



30. Mr. Jerald D’Souza - Gurkar, St. Lawrence Ward - (new) 9341699082alt9341699082


31. Mr. Elias D’Souza - Rep., St. Lawrence Ward - (new) 9448300745alt9448300745


32. Mrs. Anitha Pereira- Rep., St. Lawrence Ward -(new)0824-2477498alt0824-2477498


33. Mrs. Gretta D’Souza - Gurkar, St. Joseph Ward - 9164828099alt9164828099



34. Mr. Ronald Perira - Rep., St. Joseph Ward - 9844055943alt9844055943



35. Mrs. Cynthia Fernandes - Rep., St. Joseph Ward - 9980440563alt9980440563



36. Mrs. Ida Pinto - Gurkar, St. Joachim Ward - 9480072540alt9480072540



37. Mr. Joseph Dias - Rep., St. Joachim Ward - 9901188567alt9901188567



38. Mrs. Daina Fernndes - Rep., St. Joachim Ward - 9986299712alt9986299712



39. Mrs. Saira Gladis D’Silva- Gurkar, Holy Family Ward -(new)9964799563alt9964799563


40. Mr. Peter Paul D’Souza - Rep., Holy Family Ward - (new)9964281497alt9964281497


41. Mr. George Ligoury D’Souza - Rep., Holy Family Ward - (new)9449822585alt9449822585


42. Mr. Alwyn Rodrigus - Gurkar, Fatima Ward - 9845328812alt9845328812



43. Mr. Richard Fernandes - Rep., Fatima Ward - 9448148534alt9448148534



44. Mrs. Emilda Menezas - Rep., Fatima Ward - 9880584283alt9880584283



45. Mrs. Delphine D’Souza- Gurkar, Vailankanni Ward -(new)0824-2406157alt0824-2406157


46. Mr. Stany D'Almaida - Rep., Vailankanni Ward - (new)9845243691alt9845243691


47. Mrs. Juliana Montherio- Rep., Vailankanni Ward -(new)9343377080alt9343377080


48. Mr. Apolian Pinto - Gurkar, St. Sebastian Ward - 9900816030alt9900816030



49. Mrs. Jecintha Pinto - Rep., St. Sebastian Ward - 9901348820alt9901348820



50. Mrs. Eveline D’Souza - Rep., St. Sebastian Ward - 9845040940alt9845040940



51. Mrs. Philomena D’Souza - Gurkar, St. Antony Ward - (new)9964585065alt9964585065


52. Mr. Francis Pereira - Rep., St. Antony Ward - (new)9901165870alt9901165870


53. Mrs. Violet Monteiro - Rep., St. Antony Ward - (new)9686583805alt9686583805

       DSC 0560

54. Mr. William Mascarenhas - Nominated, St. Ignatius Ward - 0824-2476029alt0824-2476029



55. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa - Nominated, Infant Jesus Ward - 9845329407alt9845329407



56. Mr. Lional Dias - Nominated, Holy Family Ward - 9845331992alt9845331992



57. Mr. Joseph Pinto - Nominated, Infant Mary Ward - 9448253027alt9448253027



58. Mr. Leo Tauro - Nominated, St. Francis Xavier Ward - 9845114919alt9845114919



59. Mrs. Monthine D’Souza - Nominated, Infant Jesus Ward - 9448823770alt9448823770



60. Mr. Raymond Roche - Ex-Officio Member, Catholic Sabha - 9448475614alt9448475614



61. Mr. Ashwin Sequiera, Ex-Officio Member, ICYM - 9886585818alt9886585818



62. Mr. Alwyn Sequeira - Ex-Officio Member, Cap Cell - 9731469270alt9731469270



63. Mrs. Jessy D’Souza - Ex-Officio Member, SVDP - 9341670840alt9341670840



64. Mrs. Mary Felcy Mascarenhas - Ex-Officio Member, YCS - 0824-2475297alt0824-2475297



65. Mrs. Stella Macado - Ex-Officio Member, Holy Family School - 0824-2271540alt0824-2271540



66. Mrs. Monica D’Souza - Ex-Officio Member, Small Christian Community - 0824-2479232alt0824-2479232



67. Sis.Regina - Ex-Officio Member, Convent - 0824-2475493alt0824-2475493



68. Sis. Asha - Ex-Offico Member, Sacred Heart School - 0824-2475493alt0824-2475493


Finance committee

  1. Mr. William Mascarenhas  - Elected Member

  2. Mr. Peter Paul D’Souza    - Elected Member

  3. Mr. J.J. Dony Suares       - Elected Member

  4. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa         - Elected Member

  5. Mr. Liona Dais                - Elected Member

  6. Mrs. Gretta A. Pinto        - Elected Member

  7. Mr. Leo Tauro                 - Nominated Member

  8. Mr. Joseph Pinto             - Nominated Member

  9. Mr. Benedict Crasta        - Nominated Member

10. Mr. Jerome Peter Pinto    - Nominated Member

11. Mr. Joy M.P. D’Souza       - Nominated Member

12. Mrs. Daina Fernandes     - Nominated Member


As per by-law, members of the other committees


Spiritual & Liturgy Committee


1. Mrs. Monthine D’Souza -  Coordinator

2. Sis. Regina            -         Member

3. Mrs. Molly M. D’Souza  -        "

4. Mrs. Mary Suares        -        "

5. Mrs. Avrelia D’Souza   -        "

6. Mr. Jossy D’Silva         -        "

7. Mr. Richard Fernande   -        "

Family Welfare Committee


1. Mr. Raymond Roche   -   Coordinator

2. Mr. Alwyn Sequeira    -   Member

3. Mr. Apolian  Pinto       -       "

4. Mr. William Mascarenhas -   "

5. Mrs. Jessy D’Souza        -   "

6. Mrs. Stella Machado       -   "

7. Mrs. Winny D’Souza       -   "

Social & Cultural Committee

1. Mr. Alfred D’Souza        -   Coordinator

2. Mr. Stany D'Almeida     -    Member

3. Mr. Ronald Crasta         -        "

4. Mr. George Ligoury D’Souza -  "

5. Mrs Lourel D’ Souza            -  "

6. Mrs. Anitha Pereira             -  "

7. Mrs. Cynthia D’Souza         -   "

Youth Welfare Committee

1. Mr. Joy M.P. D’Souza        -   Coordinator

2. Mr. George Ligoury D’Souza  -  Member

3. Mr. Thomas Pais               -          "

4. Mr. Alwyn Sequeira           -          "       (Cap Cell Coordinator)

5. Mrs. Molly M. D’Souza       -          "

6. Mrs. Lidwin Rita D’ Souza  -          "

7. Mrs. Felcy Mascarenhas    -          "


1.Mr. Peter Paul D’Souza       -   Coordinator

2. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa           -    Member

3. Mr. Leo Tauro                   -        "

Communication Committee

1. Mr. Peter Paul D’Souza    -  Coordinator

2. Mr. J.J. Dony Suares       -   Member

3. Mr. Ronald Crasta           -       "

4. Mr. Elias D’Souza            -       "

5. Mr. Jerald D’Souza          -       "

Law Committee

1. Mr. Wilfred D’Costa              -   Coordinator

2. Mr. Jerome Peter Pinto         -     Member

3. Mr. William Mascarenhas      -         "

4. Mr. Stany Almaida               -         "

5. Mr. Denis Lolvi Crasta          -         "


Project Commiittee

1. Mr. Leo Tauro                -   Coordinator

2. Mr. Lional Dais              -   Member

3. Mr. Benedict Crasta       -      "

4. Mr. Joseph Pinto            -      "

5. Mr. Robert Paul D'Souza  -     "


Web Site Committee


1. Mr. Benedict Crasta  - Correspondent  (+919845341798alt+919845341798(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

2. Mrs. Gretta A. Pinto  - Editor               (+919342807878alt+919342807878(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

3. Mr. S. Naveen D’Souza  - Co-editor     (+919343564870alt+919343564870(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

4. Mr. Ashwin Sequeira      - Member       (+919886585818alt+919886585818(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

5. Mr. Luke Richard D’Souza - Member    (+918904732400alt+918904732400(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

            On 23rd January, 2011, The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo held the oath taking ceremony. Rev. Fr. Lawrence D’Cunha was also present on this occasion.