Mass Service Times

Sunday Mass 7:15 AM, 9:00AM ( Children Mass), Sunday Catechism: 10:00 AM
Saturday - ( 4:30 PM  Evening Mass)
Friday - ( 4:45 PM  Evening Mass) Novena After Mass
Daily Mass Monday - Saturday 6:45AM

Palm Sunday 2019

April 14 th 2019: Palm Sunday is a commemoration of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, coming in peace and riding on a donkey. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and is an important Christian festival around the world.

 We began the Eucharistic Celebration in the ground by blessing thepalms and entered the church in a procession by holding palms in our hands in the same way as Jesus entered the Jerusalem. 

Nativity of Mary 2018

On 8 th September, the parishioners of Sacred Heart Church, Surathkal celebrated Monthi fest.At 7.30 A.M. the paddy corn was blessed by guest priest Rev. Fr. Francis Almeida S.J. and the statue of Infant Mary was taken with the procession. A multitude of children offered flowers to Mother Mary.

Independence Day 2018

The parisheners of Sacred Heart Church, Surathkal,  Holy Family English Medium High School and Sacred Heart  Kannada Medium school celebrated 72ndindependenceDay  on 15th August  2018 at 8.30 A.M.