Mass Service Times

Sunday Mass 7:15 AM, 9:00AM ( Children Mass), Sunday Catechism: 10:00 AM
Saturday - ( 4:30 PM  Evening Mass)
Friday - ( 4:45 PM  Evening Mass) Novena After Mass
Daily Mass Monday - Saturday 6:45AM

Catechism Inauguration ,Sacred Herat Church Surathkal

Report of Sunday Catechism Inauguration ,Sacred Herat Church Surathkal
Sunday Catechism inauguration 2023  ceremony  was held on  04 June 2023  Sunday,   at Sacred Heart Church Surathkal at 7.15 am Mass. The theme of the inaugural liturgy was " “DAiÀiÁÛgÁZÉA  Qæ¸ÁÛAªï ²PÀëuï, §jA PÀÄmÁäA ¨ÁAzÀÄPï ¥ÉæÃgÀuï”. “Sunday catechism :  inspiration to form Good families”. 
The inauguration ceremony  was very symbolic. The three families along with their children, teachers and priests came in procession to the altar. The parents had the Holy Bible in their hands, which represents the foundation of the catechism begins at home by the parents and they are the first catechetical  teachers. Teachers had a lighted candles in their hands. Which represents that they are spreading the light of Jesus Christ with their strong faith in God and they light the students candle with their lighted candles. The parish priest with the jug of water  which represents  sacramental life   strengthens the faith of  families and children. The Parish Priest poured water from the  jug to the bowls which the children were  holding. Mr. Russel Roche  PPC vice president and  the Secretary Mrs. Asha Pinto digitally displayed the theme on the screens.
Very Rev. Fr. Austin Peter Peres  presided over the Eucharistic celebration and     Rev. Fr. Richard D’ Souza preached the audio visual homily. He in his homily help the  parishioners and children to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity , by giving the example of water, ice and steam, which is nothing but the three forms of water, similarly ,God is only one with three persons. Father, son and the Holy Spirit. This is the mystery of our faith. The catechism  teachers took oath after the profession of faith.  
For the first time the Sunday catechism was inaugurated during the first mass, and the parents and whole parish community witnessed the event. The teachers, children , and choir members played important role in making liturgy meaningful.