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History of Holy Family School

Written by Naveen on . Posted in School

A brief History of the Holy Family School

1996- 2006

Holy Family English Medium School Surathkal came into existence as the fulfillment of a long cherished dream of the parishioners of Sacred Heart Church and of the public at large. The Parish Council in its resolution to Rt. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D`Souza  Bishop of Mangalore requested permission to start an English Medium School. The Bishop complied  to the request and the Holy Family School started functioning on June 2nd 1996,satisfying all requirements including the infrastructure in order to run the institution, smoothly and effectively. The C.B.E. has kindly consented to take over the Management of the school. In response to the application to the department, the then B.E.O. paid visits to the school offering necessary guidance.

Thus the school began engaging classes  in the hired building of Kannada medium school from Nursery to 1st std. With a total strength of 80 students- Nursery 12, L.K.G. 31,U.K.G.21, 1st std.16 respectively.  Mr. George Mascarenhas then Principal of Sacred Heart School was to be in-charge of the infant school with  the staff consisted of 3 trained teachers and one attendant.

 The brain behind all these achievements was none other than Rev. Fr. Victor Pinto, the then correspondent who guided the move towards the establishment of the school. Fr. Victor Pinto at the helm and the local school Betterment Committee co-operating effectively the school started well, fulfilling the maxim ‘Well begun is half done’. Around Rs. 1 lakh was spent to provide the infrastructure such as drinking water facility,  necessary furniture etc.

Shortly after wards the bifurcation took place forming two distinct schools in the same campus-the existing Sacred Heart Kannada medium school and the Holy Family English medium school . This necessitated the role of a head mistress . Ms. Tressie   D` Souza  proved to be the first H.M. of the Holy Family School  in the year 1997 which has an identity by now.

Ms. Tressie was substituted by Ms. Cecilia D` Souza in the year 1998 However  their term  proved to be brief but  they  served the school with a sense of dedication.


The new academic year 1997-98 witnessed the addition of class 2 to accommodate those students promoted from 1st std. raising the total strength to 115. Thus each new academic year witnessed the addition of a subsequent class  each marking the steady growth of the school.

The year 1998 marked the end of Fr. Pinto’s reign and the holy family saw in Rev. Fr. Robert Pinto it’s new leader who ably guided the functioning of the school from 1998  to 2002 in virtue of his office as correspondent. The school warmly welcomed  the new H.M   Mrs. Monica D` Souza took over from Mrs. Cecilia in the year 1999;in total adherence to the planning  of fr. Robert, Ms. Monica worked for the good of the school  for a period of five years with zeal and dedication and saw its growth up to 7th std.; school day was celebrated  with pomp and grandeur for the first time proclaiming its status of a well established school.

Rev. Fr. Robert Pinto was succeeded by Rev. Fr. Denis D’Souza in June 2002 ; his short tenure witnessed  the Holy Family School  attaining  the status of high school; this naturally  necessitated the appointment of a qualified  H.M to head the staff; Sr. Cecilia D’Souza  filled the vacant post but for a short term; Ms Monica was reinstated  as in-charge till the close of the academic year 2004. Fr. Denis D’Souza during his short term as correspondent ably guided the school and  handed over to Rev. Fr. J.B D’Souza who took over as correspondent in June 2005;the new correspondent invariably brought in a new vibrant principal Ms. Maria Lynet Lobo whose tenure lasted but for an year.

At the dawn of the new academic year the holy family school attained  adulthood with its first batch of S.S.L.C. students numbering up to 22 and welcomed its new principal sr. Helen D’Souza who holds the office to this day. A full-fledged institution now from Nursery to 10th std. the school accommodates 670 students in its modified buildings. An efficient staff consists of 15 teachers and   5 non  teaching staff carry out the functioning of the school smoothly and effectively.


Under the skillful guidance of the new steersman   Fr. J.B.D` Souza the able and illustrious correspondent  with his  rich experience in the field of education not only as teacher but also as  principal, Holy Family School keeps pace with the fast developing schools of the locality; it possesses required  infrastructure  such as a reasonably furnished library, laboratory facilities for science experiments and a computer lab with 9 systems offering computer  education for the students right from the beginning.

Our Alma Mater Holy Family School is the crown and the pride of Surathkal Parish. She welcomes warmly all those who approach her and enriches everyone with knowledge and wisdom transforming all into educated and enlightened persons.