Maundy Thursday 2018
29th March 2018: Maundy Thursday, also known as “Holy Thursday,” is the Thursday of Passion Week, one day before Good Friday (the Friday before Easter). Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day on which Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, known as the Last Supper. M. C. Was Mrs. Anitha Pinto and today’s celebration consisted of main three parts.
Palm Sunday 2018
March 25 th 2018: Palm Sunday is a commemoration of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, coming in peace and riding on a donkey. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and is an important Christian festival around the world.
We began the Eucharistic Celebration in the ground by blessing thepalms and entered the church in a procession by holding palms in our hands in the same way as Jesus entered the Jerusalem.