Christmas Eve 2016
24 st December 2016: The eve of Christmas began with ward wise carols singing sharp at 7.00 P. M. At 07.30 P. M. Mudhoom candles were given and At 8.00 P.M. the high solemn mass offered by our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Paul Pinto, and gave the message for Christmas saying that feel the Christmas by making Jesus Christ to be born in our hearts.
The carols were compelled by Mr. Rakesh Lobo & the mass was compelled by Mrs. Felcy Mascarenhas. After the mass a short entertaining programme was given Parish Council Members organised Kuswar &; Cock Auction, Kuswar auctioned for Rs.35,000/- by ESPA Members, Cock auctioned for Rs. 24,000/- Housie Housie game was organised prizes were distributed.
Christmas Old Man Santa Claus arrived in a tricycle and distributed sweets to children. Christmas cake & malt were eaten delightfully by the parishioners.